Show newer Not named? He's got an injunction then.

@TheRealPomax They're incubating a clone of you. Don't fight when it knocks on your door.

@checkervest I feel the same way about this as I do some music technology. Does because you can, doesn't mean you should.

@alex The first time I ever played COD (I think back in 2003) some lad whose voice hadn't even broken called me a 'gay faggot', and he seemed unimpressed at my lecture on the tautological nature of his insult. I think we know who really got owned that day. LOVE ACTUALLY IS OKAY LEAVE ME ALONE

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Fun fact: The Oregon Trail is not an 80s game. It is a 70s game.
The first version debuted in 1971, on December 3rd (so... tomorrow!) for the HP 2100 miniclmputer.

It predates the Apple II.
The first version for the Apple II came out sometime in 1977-1978, but the one people remember for the Apple II is actually the 1985 remake, after the previous release was so successful. @SuperDicq To be clear, that wasn't what I said, and it wasn't what SuperDicq said either, but when someone rolls in out of nowhere and starts yammering on about who they're not listening to, cherry picking and engaging in Twitter-esque behavior, I am confident tin assuming that person is a waste of time. It's always a bit depressing when someone complains about developments that remove barriers to entry. Every person that starts with a Baofeng will move on to more elaborate kit if they get into it. @SuperDicq Classic bad faith actor, imho @SuperDicq You care enough to be incredibly dreary about it. @SuperDicq I've no problem with the opinion here, it is up the invidual where their line is. That being said I've not actually encountered this scenario. Most of the trolls provoke blocks anyway. @SuperDicq If I read it right we're being blocked because of 'bad opinions'. @SuperDicq Well done, you

@yogthos They gave up their principles the moment they got the capitol stipend and new wardrobe.

@yogthos The railway networks have been absolutely fucked in the last 5 years with endless streamlining and closures. They're constantly told to do more with less. This is completely aside from the disgusting phenomenon that is 'The Squad'.

@platypus Dogs love couches in winter. Mine is glued to it.

@yogthos Contempt for workers is a feature, not a bug.

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