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@Flick A decade ago we had a spate of bomb hoaxes. It was some bloke in the UK iirc. They nicked him.

@Flick It's too organized to be an accident. They'll catch them, they always do.

The hoaxers are out in full force today. School next door swarming with police. Same with others across the state. Great work, arseholes.

I usually am remote mon/tues but because of new starter have done both on-prem this week; It's had a really weird effect on my internal clock as I'm sure it's Thursday.

@Flick Have you seen some of the reaction to this? It has been... incredible. As in things are much worse than you'd think.

Jim boosted

Another intriguing thing about Uranus: Some of its moons probably harbor underground oceans, and at least one of them seems to have active geysers.
Can we go back for a better look? #exploration #astrobiology

work, anxiety 

@Juju Well done for getting through the thing. I bet you feel good.

Jim boosted

keep telling me retrocomputing is for nerds.... ill just be sitting here... proving you wrong

@LostInCalifornia But yes, the crocodile telling you it won't eat you if you feed it is pretty funny.

@LostInCalifornia The bar for that slur is practically through the floor. You can be called it for expressing a preference for Diet Coke.

@patrickcmiller As much as they admit they've probably got a lot more.

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