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The worst trait of middle management I have seen in both the UK and US is attempts to solve engineering problems with endless meetings that have no engineering staff.

@Flick I thought even in the 80s Cumbria had some really tourism oriented spots. I lived in York for a while and any place with tourism tends to be overwhelmed with retail jobs (although a lot of school leavers went to Terry's, Nestle Rowntree, or ABB coach works.) Robin Hood's Bay always shaded a little by Whitby and Scarborough (Leeds-sur-mer) @RickiTarr I like the cut of your jib

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#mastoadmin Call for help! If you've run into this error after updating to Mastodon 4.1.3, how have you solved it?

(PLEASE do not reply with speculation, googled results, etc. I ONLY want to hear from people who have solved THIS SPECIFIC PROBLEM. I have tried many things, and I am looking for a solution, not for suggestions.)

Although all these teenagers that are *never* in school is still really funny.

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Rewatching Twin Peaks for the first time in 30 years (although I watched and loved the Return) the Bob stuff is still really fucking chilling.

@victor Your peers admire you, and want to be you

@nyx There's a battered joke in there somewhere but I'm too clean for that

Came back from taking the boy to look at trains and there was a brief storm. The smell of hot, wet asphalt is overpowering. @SSchicago I was pretty maudlin after reading it

@liaizon I guarantee they're going to outsource to code farms. Guarantee it.

Jim boosted

Hot take: Twitter was *never* "good." It was fun, but not good.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!