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Although my favorite part of this interaction was "can you use your admin account to fix it?"

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And again I lose a morning because some RA has chmod'd 777 on the root file system " get their web app to work" I don't even want to know it is a bestowed term, like content creator, which is also horrid.

Saw this trundling along on my way into work. The horn at this distance really gives your ears a workout. should be easy, just go for a walk outside 🔥

@SheDrivesMobility That's not good news for their employees or customers. It's just buying time. I wonder what happened there. You'd have thought a bike business in Holland would be pretty solid...

A "Why I'm sticking with open source (because corporate greed)"video probably doesn't need a 30 second intro for your sponsors. Sorry, but no.

Jim boosted

@RustyCrab I have become death, destroyer of small lawns

The news coverage of this supposed fight between two billionaires shows so many rotten things in tech and business, and the societal decay consumerism and the need to be entertained has caused. It's just pathetic. Accepted the slightly higher cost in knowing I wasn't going to melt any pistons Most engines don't care. If you've got a high compression motor that needs that RON number to make the power it *does* matter. I had a Skoda (VW platform) car that hated regular fuel, it would knock like crazy. Ran it all the time on Shell V-power.

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Someone gave us a towel with our cat's photo on it and now she sleeps exclusively on top of it like some sort of degenerate narcissist 1970s movie star.

friendly subtoot for newcomers about language 

@photophoregirl Some people get very, very funny about this. Thanks for saying it.

Jim boosted

@Juju A lot of those days this time of year. It's hellish if you're sensitive to it.

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