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Today in 1909, 114 years ago: the Indianapolis Motor Speedway opens in Indianapolis (United States).


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@rwnash That looks like a good way to spend some time.

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Today in 2003, 20 years ago: in Basra (Iraq), thousands of Iraqis demonstrate against the scarcity of gasoline and electricity, after the war.


Jim boosted

Zoom trying to do damage control by obfuscating what they say VS what they mean is a good reminder to take PR statements with a grain of salt. By looking at what Zoom has actually done, you'll quickly see all the times they've flat-out lied.

Remember when Zoom claimed to offer end-to-end encryption but didn't? I do.

Remember when they said they've made joining meetings on macOS easier but actually installed an exploit that made Zoom re-install itself if a user uninstalled it? I do.

Remember when Zoom said they were protecting user privacy but then handed user data to Facebook? I do.

It's always good to have a reminder that what a company says is often of less important than what they've

@nyx I didn't know about the cloud flare thing

Jim boosted

Today in 1917, 106 years ago: World War I: Battle of Mărășești between the Romanian and German armies begins.


@HebrideanHecate Wet leasing whole ships isn't going to work for very long. It's hugely expensive.

@HebrideanHecate Such a shame they can't build the right ships for the right price, as they have done hundreds of times in the past.

@HebrideanHecate This kind of money there's inevitably some corruption.

Had to board my dog to visit my dad. My dad's dog makes the pain a little easier.

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