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I come back from 10 days leave and all my wireless peripherals are dead. I have one charging cable. I'm very tempted to just go home.

@yngmar I fell in a bed of them when I was a teenager. Wearing shorts. I remember the pain...

@HebrideanHecate I've heard of similar, not on autism spectrum disorder grounds, but religious. That case was fatal, but you can't compel people if they don't want treatment. Unless it's covid of course.

@yngmar "Chicken Jungle" sounds slightly terrifying. @mattb Some brutalism has really grown on me over the years. It definitely has its place. @mattb Architects and engineers really had a lot to answer for when they figured out they could do mad shit with concrete.

@derwinmcgeary Your car has an open door and it's using the notification API to tell you

I see the NYT is persistently running anti-China stories on the front page for the last week. They're very obviously being briefed.

Jim boosted

Today in 1780, 243 years ago: James Cook's ship HMS Resolution returns to England (Cook having been killed on Hawaii during the voyage).


I've been back in the US almost a week already. Tonight at 2030 EST marks 7 days since the hire car crept out of my dad's village for the 100km run to the airport. I hate how quickly the time melts away and it's suddenly a distant memory. I'm extremely surprised. I don't understand half the languages on my timeline but this is the appeal of the place to me. It's like sitting in an airport. I really like it. It was always going to go that way. The house always wins.

@wjmaggos My fitbit is not trustworthy. I've burned enough calories to kill myself according to that thing. I'm reading this in a very serious news anchor voice. He has far too much buoyancy, surely

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