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Jim boosted

just for fun i can add a bit to the xscreensaver drama: one can easily run xscreensaver and swaylock in parallel. swaylock supports transparent (alpha) backgrounds. xscreensaver could also be activated by swayidle. thus, xscreensaver doesn't need idle nor locking functionality under wayland (wlroots at least).

Jim boosted

Ask for help when you need it. It sounds simple, but trying to handle everything without help causes stress and anxiety for a lot people.

I missed lunch because someone scheduled a meeting during it, then I wanted to get out early but ended leaving late. A shit end to a shit day. But it is the weekend, so eyes forward...

@kaia I don't know how to tell you this but it's all in German

@maop It took a while to warm up but I hope they stick with it. I'm afraid if you have to ask you are not allowed in Arch club My favorite summary remains "Narcissist buys criticism factory"

Helmut Marko finally being held to account for being a racist shithead is refreshing

@Flick Did you ever see Chappelle's bit about getting between someone and their ability to put food on the table?

@pch Intentionally intrusive UI elements should never be made an opt-out feature. They're terrible design. someone would rescue that

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