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One thing this did encourage me to do is find out exactly what $VENDOR can fetch off the server. If it can't talk to their infrastructure it nags about it, but I now want to know what they're collecting that led them to even make a determination what's happening on the file system of an internal server.

Show thread I really want that to be the case. Their stuff is basically a CVE factory.

To be fair our CISO was skeptical from the off, but enjoyed the exercise. I did not.

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Now I have to remove the network isolation and get it all working again so we can actually use it.

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Got an email late last night from a vendor saying a self-hosted service we use had signs of compromise. Hmm, I thought, as the icy fingers of panic started gripping's on an RFC1918 network so if that's true we have bigger problems. So after kicking off a full IR procedure with absolutely no results, we get mailed 3 hours later saying they made a mistake. Fuckers.

At a few years back I met a woman that commuted every day for 120 miles as it was the closest she could afford to live near LA.

She ran with Prema, which is also F1 Academy champ Garcia's constructor. They're a huge Italian operation with an entry in pretty much every class bar F1.

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for all the good vibes around F1 Academy a reminder that WEC has been fertile ground for women in top-tier motorsport. Doriane Pin ran very, very competitively in LMP2 this year. Here's an interview with her from a couple of years back (FR)

Unexpected Trabi 601s encounter at the US Air Force Museum in Dayton, OH. The sections of wall are, I believe, authentic.

Been playing a lot of No Man's Sky. Never touched it before; beyond the slightly overwhelming start it is the sort of thing you dreamed of playing as a kid.

@alienghic I would follow what they recommend, but it's up to you Diane.

book talk 

@nuala I really like that cover art.

Jim boosted

Today in 1935, 88 years ago: paper money is introduced in China instead of silver coins.


@TriptychTwinsRidesAgain @HebrideanHecate It's interesting here spotting a lot of slavic names that got anglicized either by the individual or by some immigration officer at Ellis Island just going "Fuck it"

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