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cars got *big* and heavy as the years have rolled by. They were 600KG in the 90s; around 800 now.

Jim boosted
Jim boosted
Jim boosted
Jim boosted

Today in 1739, 284 years ago: Start of the Battle of Porto Bello between British and Spanish forces during the War of Jenkins' Ear.

#OnThisDay Yes they'd likely have to shift it earlier in the year. Still, ultimately the track worked well.

that was a very good GP. Would like to see it a touch warmer next time; half the field could not use the hard tyre.

I am occasionally visited by the thought that for , Drive to Survive is simultaneously the best and worst thing to happen to the sport.

@tk They're so very practical. You can get a lot in that bed and a number of them are 4WD.

@amerika That is modern values being translated to a very, very different time. Residents of Coventry and East London had few problems with area bombing. There's a YouTuber called MotoCheez (he has a lot of bike stuff) and he bought a mini truck, and that thing is absolutely fantastic. He's amazed they don't officially sell them (he got it from some importer in NJ IIRC). I've used Firefox through all the ups and downs. It's always worked okay for me.

Help, Linux issue, boosts appreciated Something to do with how Nvidia handles VRAM, apparently.

Help, Linux issue, boosts appreciated I have had this issue running KDE with an Nvidia driver, under Plasma Wayland. Switching to Plasma Xorg solved it.

@adminkirsty I am surprised how watchable those races are, if you're in the right mood.

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