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My son pronounced Bosnia as 'Bonzaneer' and now that's what I call it.

@GossiTheDog I'm glad you take the social responsibility of data theft so seriously Kevin. It's entirely appropriate.

'The computer was sitting in a puddle of mud, with water up to the motherboard' • The Register

Ordered a desktop managed switch to replace my little Netgear that died and now my advertising recs seem to suggest this is a new and exciting start of a collection Some of these organisations are run pretty fast and loose. It doesn't surprise me they don't have basic policy for these things; they probably relied on this guy to do everything.

@checkervest thanks! It's fine, it was very close to home during the work of it.

Worst my wipers started making a noise about like Yoda as the snow apparently had glue in it

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1" of snow in about an hour, which isn't a lot but the whiteout conditions were not fun.

@checkervest "Where's the cat?" Would inevitably be met with "She's in the tree".

@checkervest I remember years ago my mum stopped getting real trees in the front room because the cat would not leave them alone.

Perusing some traffic logs and holy heck do a lot people use Spotify at work. It's very noisy.

Jim boosted

✨ COSMIC | A new desktop by System 76 for Pop!_OS :popos: / other Linuxes :linux:

...and folks is it coming along nice! A year gone and already it even shows some example for other DE's :thinkergunsunglasses:

◉Multi-monitor polish / multi-windows
◉Bluetooth / mpris fixes
◉High-resolution scroll events
◉Pipewire 1.0.0 / Wireplumber 0.4.17 / Mesa 23.3.0
◉Git integration - view current status & track changes
◉COSMIC Text Editor

@system76 #Pop_OS #Linux #COSMIC #System76

@Flick @HebrideanHecate The weather in Winter is similar here. If it warms up, it does so to rain.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!