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@gyptazy Not in prod, have a test environment with 3 hypervisors and it's been pretty good. I don't have the spare kit to do Proxmox so will tear it all down and rebuild. Some concepts in XCP-NG are not intuitive. The Orchestra method is very similar to VMWare in that it's just another VM on the hypervisor.

Jim boosted
Jim boosted

These two ex-Slack engineers want to replace recording studios with RFID

@Flick Sister tells me it's been a pretty crap summer in Blighty so far.

We are getting absolutely smacked by the heat here. The garden Is just dying. Easily the hottest summer I've seen since moving here. Steady 90s this week. Six inches down on rain totals.

Out of surgery and my dog will not leave me alone. Following me everywhere and generally fussing over me. Dogs are just great.

@terrapin Any of the Talos Principle series. Mellow AF if you're in the mood for some pleasant puzzlers.

87% humidity outside. It's absolutely vile. Started drizzling thought which is good. The plants and wildlife need it. A lot of skinny rabbits about this year. I think they're suffering.

@platypus switched to early morning and it is a bit more bearable.

@platypus Very humid here. Poor pup really suffers on his walk. Left it very late yesterday. Still too hot.

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