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Somewhere out in West Virginia, last Summer.

I'd never been as knackered after a ride as that day. It was great, but exhausting. Felt every day of my 44yrs. BTW I don't know if it's your thing but I loved this tour series going from Germany through to the Swiss alps.

Wonderful stuff on a gloomy winter's day! Yes, emission control regulations are already getting quite prohibitive. In a lot of places it's not enforced once the bike leaves the showroom, so you can always slap a lightweight full system on there... That's the ideal. The reality is Goat Simulator.

New York on a sweltering day in July 2006, during a heatwave that left much of the Boroughs without power.

This is from that short period of relatively flat skyline downtown.
Canon EOS 300D, EFs 18-55. It would be great. I think it's difficult for manufactueres now. The cars are practically regulated into such compromises, both by regulation and what sells.

In a way it's why I retreated to bikes. there's still a lot of that pure thrill factor in design and performance. The Fediverse: With much freedom comes much responsibility.

(Also Spiderman)

Note I have very bravely uploaded an image to my Masto instance; this will probably mean it crashes in about 12 hours.

I'm not joking. I've no idea why and have not investigated that heavily but uploading images appears to send a Ruby process into some sort of death spiral.

Show thread It would probably be a hybrid now, and weigh 2 tonnes.

Apropros I'm not sure why Signal Messenger has become largely tied to Flatpak and Snap. It may be their update cycle and the fact they retire older versions somewhat aggressiely.

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Biking, Body (~/-) The funniest thing is, I really wanted to try and get in some sort of shape after a year of quite poor health. All the stationary bike time in the world doesn't do much. The real thing is so much harder with all the start/stop and concentration.

Biking, Body (~/-) Pittsburgh is said to be second only to SanFran for hills; it is .therefore not a place to take lightly when cycling.

I thought I was going to die. You do - apparently - get used to it.

There's a woman I see daily that plods up a pretty severe hill without breaking a sweat. It never fails to impress me.

Helping someone with their Ubuntu desktop; interesting to see that the software installer seemlessly offers snaps and/or packages. Quite confusing initially. I look in on that thread occasionally. I see the 'progress' argument keeps rearing its ugly head.

Once again for the people at the back etc, etc:

"All progress is change, but not all change is progress." systemctl enable spoond && systemctl start spoond

There is some orange glowing thing in the sky. Fairly certaing it is a trap.

@PeteMoss @dosnostalgic @stephencoyle @cosullivan @rtwx @sean

Thanks Pete! The way my notifications just pinged, I thought something terrible had happened... I was always curious that T-600 obtaining Sarah Connor's address from directory services could have been prevented by simple data protection laws, I wrote to my MP

Anyway, while we're on the subject f telly I have really been enjoying the new Das Boot.

I'm a huge devotee of the original and wasn't expecting much, but I'm really enjoying it thus far.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!