Show newer The vsphere interface has improved but is similarly fussy about browsers.

Jim boosted

Still cracks me up 20yrs later. "Reach for the lasers - safe as fuck"

@dreadpirateyarr I almost want to see this just to know if he says "DON'T FORGET TO SMASH THAT 'LIKE' BUTTON, CLICK THE LITTLE BELL AND HIT SUBSCRIBE, AND LEAVE COMMENTS BELOW!"

Use Your Illusion I/II are such preposterous albums I can't help but admire them, even if I hated them at at the time.

@andyc @dick_turpin Joking aside. I'm out of it (one might say out of the frying pan...) but family are not. I don't really care who it as long as they have *some* sort of actionable plan come October.

Ten-year retrospective with The Economist That was when you could still choose to be unindexed on Facebook; i.e. the site would not even show you had an account if you didn't want it to.

@dick_turpin @andyc It is so remarkable that so despised are Gove and Hunt that BoJo is preferable in comparison.

Jokes on them; they're all wankers.

@moonman I'm really grateful some jackbooted martinet is here to tell everyone how to run their instance to protect people from the dreadful burden of thinking for themselves.

@kemonine In the nicest possible way, most people calling for a higher authority to use force or censorship do not understand they are creating the precedent for use against *them*.

Jim boosted They are historically pragmatic about such things. I think they will continue to support it. I get the architecture decision (one or two others have done this too) but packages? No multilib support?

That seems to the case here:

Recommendation is to use 18.04 with backports. Wtf?

Jim boosted

Jesus was the original lad, getting the drinks in, making sure there’s enough snacks to go round, bringing someone back to life after they’ve overdone it, top lad

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