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@seanking It makes me laugh man. All the posturing about diversity and inclusion and they just toss it straight out the window when they think nobody's looking.

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Context: Twitter more recently launched a Twitter Arabs account. And it's auto-blocking people, especially those who post messages like "LGBTQ+ rights". Because of that, speed-running getting blocked by them has become a meme.
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@seanking Jesus Christ Jack truly wouldn't know ethics if they landed on him like a grand piano.

@TechUr If you ever get the chance to watch Dangerous Days (the Blade Runner doc) you get a great insight into how he ticks. I recommend it.

@TechUr Ridley Scott is always fascinating to listen to.

@galdrakinn You're living this person's life now. In their house.

@PeteMoss Yes my wife is a copywriter and she very much agrees.

@galdrakinn Tell me this has lead to some unfortunate comedy

@TechUr Never made it to the Hive before when I played, so that's all new to me.

First 2 paragraphs and a block quote saying exactly the same thing. Tech journalism is terrible.

@TechUr Although watching your stream I forgot that unusual dead-spot in the game where the Alien is missing for a long time and it's a much more conventional FPS.

@TechUr I think whatever they did in Alien Isolation should be a blueprint for others. It's a nigh-on perfectly executed game.

@feld I looked at some sample images from Leica's site and goodness me they're rich.

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