Show newer I write them like that! A teacher once referred to it as a 'French seven'. I don't know where I picked it up, but I've always written it that way. oh nice. Big fan of Nikola.

@wyliecoyoteuk that makes me a bit homesick. England on a sunny late spring day is something special.

Birdsite teasing a subs offering is peak Birdsite

Another eternal September, coming to a fedi instance in your area.

@TheRealPomax I know somewhere else that's a bit like that...

@geniusmusing I read of an interesting side effect of high torque in the 4wd drivelines of some stock cars - the propshaft starts to 'skipping rope' I.e. the rotation movement changes to a kind of helical movement and it fucks everything. I knew back in Summer when the news about vaccines really started to land that this would precipitate a surge in anti-vaxx rhetoric like we'd never seen before. When you combine conspiracy theory thinking with the urgent timelines you've got a recipe for stupid.

@geniusmusing I'm always amused in these videos that most people are above the cars, such is the risk to legs. Someone put a mere 2s Lipo in a Tamiya Frog and got it to do 61mph, which doesn't seem much by drag standards but it's hilarious that a 1983 car can reach such levels.

Always impressed the transmission doesn't give, that even on older cars if you get the pinion mesh right they're usually fine.

@geniusmusing You can go lipo and brushless too now if you like. It's a bit much for that poor little thing.

@geniusmusing they've been reissued! The Hornet and Frog too. A quick look at Flatpak's packages will tell you all you need to know. Also, even Elementary (derived from Ubuntu) is moving to Flatpak with 6.

The 'hopper shell is unlike most Tamiya kits in that it is hard ABS white plastic, which is deliberate as you can sticker it up and get pretty close to Box art, Without having to paing anything, in keeping with the entry-level nature of the kit.

I may get another shell off eBay as son no. 2 wants it in candy green.

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I decided to paint the plain ABS body of my Tamiya Grasshopper. I let my son choose the colour. Of course it's fucking bubblegum pink.

@TouchBalls69 Why do they always have slogans about masks and vaxx in their usernames? It's really fucking weird. It's become the equivalent of pronoun display for aggro spinster Karens.

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