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@TheRealPomax Anaconda has saved me a few headaches down the years.

@TheRealPomax I mean, some one-man-band with an aws instance doesn't want to maintain this one package anymore? Guess you won't ever be updating your system again until you've chopped it out of there.

@TheRealPomax Also I cannot stand PPAs. Great idea, terrible in practice and they really should be avoided like the plague because over a surprisingly short period they will break.

@TheRealPomax Also if you have a server that's unmanaged and you forgot to set the 'remove old' kernels apt config, good luck sorting that out when it fills /boot with 35 old kernels. It is unusually fiddly to persuade it you don't want them.

@TheRealPomax It does some weird shit alright. Also that slow MOTD thing drives me up the fucking wall.

@checkervest Because, Alex, if there are arse-burrowing giant frogs out there I feel I should know

@onepict My dad stalks me on FB groups because he has nothing better to do

@checkervest Is he eating or expelling, I can't tell and don't know why it is important to me, but it is important I know.

@thatbrickster That's cool though. They've been pretty solid for Linux. Come a long way.

I have decided to not suffer and gave in to running the heating for a bit. In September.

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@dch But boot time and you can run it in a car!

Mount pumping out 33 lines of output on Ubuntu really is fucking special. How did we get to this point? Why is it so fucking complicated? You'd hope.

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