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@Mitsu @lain Guizzy blink if you are being held against your will Remind me not to complain about Mondays.

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Today in 1947, 76 years ago: Cold War: The House Un-American Activities Committee begins its investigation into Communist infiltration of the Hollywood film industry, resulting in a blacklist that prevents some from working in the industry for years.


@vriska From the same people that made every touchable in your car piano black.

@vriska Don't forget beautiful countertops that must be kept spotless and will scratch if you look at them. Doncaster is a special special place. We have some Scotch in the kitchen...

@HayleyMulch Alonso being a complete arsehole, Lewis being amazing. Kimi's last dance. It was great.

Felt like about a year. Usually I just put on some MJQ and zone out. Rain and dark needs total concentration as roads here can be a bit silly.

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@HayleyMulch if you can watch that season it's worth it. Absolutely banger.

Ugh. Phone overexposed this. Gloomy and wet. I need a drink. It is 0830.

@HayleyMulch It's a bit out of its own time. I also like that Ant Davidson looks like a tiny wee child.

@HayleyMulch It's probably before your time, but as one skilled in the arts, did you ever see the Soho coke-fueled insanity of the 2007 ITV theme? @Moon @meso Also the narcissism of differences, there's no bad cars now, they're just all very boring. @Moon @meso Slight increase in sales this year. Probably helped by the fact that they tend to be a slightly cheaper trim (WRX base is 6 speed)

@maxeddy Given how litigious he is I hope they have this right.

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