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Jim boosted

I am a web designer in my twenties. I’m wondering why the industry is designing for one browser, and for a handful of screen resolutions.

I am a web designer in my thirties. I’m wondering why the industry is designing for one browser, and for a handful of screen resolutions.

I am a web designer in my forties. I’m wondering why the industry is designing for one browser, and for a handful of screen resolutions.

I am a web designer in my fifties. I’m wonderi

"We'd love to hear your feedback" My feedback is let me use your fucking website

@HebrideanHecate Jesus. Also if you're on morphine 6 times a day there's an excellent chance you now have another problem.

@nyquildotorg Yeah it is ripe for abuse and does get abused. @GossiTheDog It's practically an inevitability they'll get knocked over.

Evening walk with my dog. Clear as a bell, no wind. Some bite in the air but otherwise tolerable. 1745 and not dark yet. Spring is coming.

Jim boosted

GDPR&co. in Slovakia:

Doctor's waiting room, full of people. Nurse comes out to bring one patient in:

- before GDPR: Mr. Smith, please come in.
- after GDPR: The gentleman with syphilis, please come in.

Roughly related to/inspired by:

via @countcol

Jim boosted

Today in 1945, 79 years ago: World War II: General Douglas MacArthur returns to Manila.


Jim boosted

Gorgeous first light this morning. Hope everyone has a great start to the week!
#WashingtonDC #dmv #potomac

Jim boosted

Today in 1987, 37 years ago: the Soviet Union launches the Soyuz TM-2 spacecraft with two cosmonauts on board, whose goal is to launch a permanent space station.


Jim boosted

bringing a date home

You mind if I put on some music? My tastes are how we say...unconventional (plays Crazy Frog)

Jim boosted

TECH COMPANY: stop pirating our products

ME: ok then sell them to me


TECH COMPANY: listen here you little sh—

Jim boosted

Today in 2000, 24 years ago: the Russian army takes Grozny, the Chechen capital.


Jim boosted
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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!