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This old J-Law-in-Twilight still makes me chuckle.

I recall a Louis Theroux series a few years back that did something similar. It was pretty interesting.

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Gmail's autocomplete/compose makes me rather concerned. Privacy aside, at what point is your intent and personality subtly changed by your mail client phrasing for you? When you're conversing with someone, are you really conversing with them, or an algorithm that as written half the message?

My biggest criticism is a couple of talking heads repeat the axiomatic 'singleplayer is dead' in the segment about HL3. One of them was a Black Mesa developer, which to me just seems bizarre.

It would be more truthful to just admit that studios aren't interested in single player because it is hard, and hard is expensive.

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Jim boosted

I'm gonna ask you a yes or no question and all I want to hear from you is a restatement of your spin on what yes or no mean

I completely got the trepidation of the Black Mesa team when it came to Xen: The original was complete shit.

This however, looks like a great effort:

I slipped in the snow on Sunday; I put a lot of force through my left knee. It's been difficult and painful since. If it doesn't improve in 24hrs, I don't see much choice but to get it looked at.

Jim boosted

RFC-15 is an important one: it's the initial proposal for Telnet! The first version of this program was written in late 1969 and it's a tool that I still occasionally use today, which is really amazing when you think about it.

You can follow along with my series commenting on the first 365 RFCs here @365-rfcs

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Caught the first episode of S3 . Thus far it is tracking the style and structure of season one very closely. A good and bad thing, but i'm definitely enjoying it so far.

Pocket's recommendations used to be pretty good; now its just degenerated into blog-standard hot takes on nause topics.

A tour by Carl Willis of Chernobyl NPP's decommisioned reactor no. 2. A nearly identical configuration to its infamous sibling at the other end of the building:

I completely fell on my ass in the snow yesterday, and twisted my knee. Probably the worst fall I think I've experienced. My knee is very painful and I couldn't sleep. 45 thus far has not been great.

I understand Flickr have bills to pay but their approache to Pro migration has been extremely shitty. Why not just grandfather in accounts with > 1000 photos and lock uploads?

Deleting images is seriously shitty.

There's about an inch of snow outside and it's muted all the noise. Much as I hate the inconvience it brings there's something magical about the dead quiet it always gives when it first settles.

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