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Grey rainy days really do something odd to one's mood.

Lunch with a former colleague. Made me realise how much I miss her in the office.

Tinkering with AWS IAM policies, send whiskey.

Some utter bastard has made microwave popcorn. The smell is driving me nuts

Jim boosted

#ShowerThought in hindsight, I think that we, as a species, have transitioned everything to digital technology with reckless haste. Computer hardware and software is, almost without exception, still in the experimental/ toy phase. Slapped together, insecure, disposable, obsolete from the moment it ships. Yet we already depend on it utterly for pretty much everything, even though almost nobody knows how to manage all that data sanely in digital form (I know I don't). It's overwhelming.

The ideal person is a large dog that keeps the developer company and bites them if they abuse superuser privileges.

My boys at the Touch-a-truck today. Much less fear of the noise this year. They had a good time.

Jim boosted

Possibly Shutting Down VidCommons 

Due to the extreme emergency mode my life is going into, I can no longer afford to host or maintain In case you don't recall, VC is a PeerTube instance serving as a library of Public Domain and Creative Commons media for the fediverse, kind of like what Open Audio is for Funkwhale.

If anyone is interested in transferring ownership to continue running the project, please let me know in short order! Otherwise, the instance will be discontinued at the end of next week.

#VidCommons #PeerTube #PublicDomain #Creativecommons

My son watching his beloved trains a couple of years ago.

When people know you have cancer it's amazing how many homeopathy cranks come out of the woodwork. It doesn't do much for anxiety.

Jim boosted

"Over 800 were based upon the dictionary word 'password', 4k based on this year as in 2019, we even saw passwords based on 2009 with the password of 'Sep-09'."

This is pretty handy if you want HW accel rather than letting your browser eat significant CPU time.

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Nice - ,mpv with youtube-dl plays a lot of live news streams, including Al-jazeera.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!