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Another fitful night's sleep. Usual recurring dream about trying to get a train to somewhere, usually in London.

I was curious to learn about some financial instruments and now the internet seems to think I work on Wall Street.

Watched 'The Big Short' again recently. Forgot how compelling it is. It's really a horror movie.

Absolutely pissing rain here in SW PA. But, it's warm, and feels like Spring rain.

I love the occasional specificity of dreams. My mind came up with an apartment block called 'Barrett Court' and I have no idea where this came from.

Little thing has been doing sterling service as my Plex server for ages.

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Shit, my 2009 Mac Mini absolutely devours hard drives. I'm goint to throw a cheap SSD in there. I think the internal temperatures are a little toasty even if it doesn't work hard.

The Edge really does have some absolutely beautiful chord progressions hidden in so many U2 songs.

MR angiogram done. Six minutes, and no contrast dye to make me feel shit. Winner!

Jim boosted

Ouch... ""Linking a Microphone" Or: The Story of CVE-2018-4184":
"This bug was trivial to exploit: Link with AppKit — arguably the most important framework on macOS — and *listen in on your users*. No entitlement required."

M$ changes something in the protocol and suddenly nothing works. It happens every so often.

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Problems with CIFS shares suddenly no longer mounting. I will be clear: I FUCKING HATE CIFS SHARES ON LINUX. HATE THEM.

Spotify is a nice idea, but you are always stuck with the latest catalogue stuff, which means remasters for a lot of good albums. I have to go to my own library for original mixes.

I don't necessarily dislike remasters, but they're a bit George lucas.

Someone on /r/linux quipped about UWUbuntu and I can't stop chuckling about it.

The sensor talks to a smartphone via bluetooth, which I'm sure has all the smartphone stuff - GPS, accelerometer etc. But the sensor itself I think is just flash memory, bluetooth, and an ECG circuit.

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Due to various issues I have to have a heart monitor for 30 days. Nobody told me exactly what it records, I'm curious there was no disclosure.

Jim boosted

Recruiter email: "The client is an ultra-high net worth, $30 Billion Investment Management Firm", who wants to pay below-SF rates and requires on-site up in Marin.

If you want to hire, don't start off saying "look how rich we are, and BTW, you can't have it."

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!