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They're fighting on birdsite about Anime gatekeeping. Twitter's trending algorithm finally hits bottom.

Is there something in the Fedi water, why are you all cooking nice things!

The simple addition of a cheap desktop fan blowing on me has stopped what feels like the entirety of my body fluids escaping from me and onto the floor during high intensity runs on the indoor bike. I also no longer have the terrific insatiable thirst afterwards.

I'm unsure why some infosec personalities are such gleeful little snitches.

Safari certainly shits itself a lot in Big Sur. Come on, Apple.

Stop getting your news from John Oliver.

Someone here put me onto Nikola. I'm entirely greatful as I wanted to move my blog stuff away from Wordpress because, frankly, php terrifies me and I wanted to self-host and not get out of my depth, drowning in plugins.

I really like it so far. It's really simple and nice to use.

Jim boosted
Jim boosted

I wrote you a new blog post (remember those???):

The story of how the Tiny C Compiler got ported to #OpenBSD, from my perspective.


For those of you that have not experienced the acidic joy that is Posh Nosh, they're all on YouTube:

Jim boosted
This is one of the things I think I will always find super annoying about Wayland. This is from flameshot, my favourite screencap program for Linux. It has experimental support for gnome/kde wayland.

Will it every support Sway (wlroots)? The fact that each tool now has to support each individual desktop environment (or the windowing kit it's based on) seems like it's entirely the wrong level of abstraction.

Good morning Fedi! What's everyone up to today?

Jim boosted

World Politics negative 

Keep in mind that TV, Radio Facebook and Twitter (and many others) are just different heads of the same hydra. Refuse to give them time or attention.

Pay attention to what depresses you. Pay attention to the propaganda you are being spoon-fed. Then refuse it.

Prefer instead the clinical, logical scalpel of the mind. Study logical fallacies and, as Robert Anton Wilson would have said, remember that all genralizations are evil.

Exercise mindfulness and compassion.

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