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Anatomy of typical social media misinformation, this time it's Twitter.

Jim boosted
I would appreciate it if people stopped teaching my mother about internet culture

She told me to git gud when I was dying constantly in Alien Isolation

A featurette on the miniature team behind 1981's Outland:

One of these lads also did 2009's Moon.

Jim boosted
The meme says that Mars is the planet with the highest ratio of Linux devices with working audio and that's a funny joke, but here's the Actually Patrol:

Perseverance, the rover, has a microphone and runs VxWorks.
Ingenuity, the helicopter, runs Linux.
Jim boosted
Context: Twitter more recently launched a Twitter Arabs account. And it's auto-blocking people, especially those who post messages like "LGBTQ+ rights". Because of that, speed-running getting blocked by them has become a meme.
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@TechUr Never made it to the Hive before when I played, so that's all new to me.

First 2 paragraphs and a block quote saying exactly the same thing. Tech journalism is terrible.

All this reminds me why I grew out of minimalist distros.

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So because of the absolute state of the decision makers at Arch, I had to go into a liveusb environment to do it.

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I found this out because I wanted to read the nmcli documentation. I couldn't connect to my wifi to download Man-db because I couldn't read the fucking manpage that tells you how to do it.

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I get Arch's whole minimalist thing, I really do. But not even providing man-db in Base? C'mon people. That's just absurd.

@techUr great stream. I love Alien Isolation even if it terrifies me. You should have seen my front room when the alien glitched through the floor!

"People said the iceberg had spikes. I think it might have been Godzilla!"


"How do you know, you weren't there"


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My son has become obsessed with The Titanic and Godzilla, and inevitably has started to theorize these two things are connected, because people might mistake an iceberg for a Kaiju....

I'm sure we've all seen the Scottish snow truck's GPS tags, but here it is for those that haven't...

Lol Twitch overdubbed Metallica's set at Blizzcon for fear of DMCA action.

The internet really is fucked.

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