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Dropped into campus to pick up a laptop. It feels normal. 77F and people enjoying the sun 🌞 The last time I did this, it was a ghost town. Barricades in dark corridors like Hadley's Hope.

77F here today. In the heat you can't picture the sting of midwinter cold, and in the depth of that cold you can't remember that film of sweat on your brow when the heat comes.The mind is a funny thing.

I enjoyed this short about Larry Mullen jr, especially his comments about inspired amateurism.

I'm getting am M1 Mac for evaluation, should anybody have any app questions. Quite curious to see what's native and what isn't, for when the kids come back armed with them in Sept.

Jim boosted

Facebook has *such* a sweet racket. First, they used the Roach Motel model - data checks in, but it doesn't check out - to trap you and all your friends in a mutual hostage-taking situation, where you can't leave because they're there, and they can't leave because you're there.


Jim boosted
@lnxw48a1 @sullybiker
Time: Late 70's
Place: Crammed into the back of a land yacht Caddy with the other kids (thinking maybe 4-5 total in the back seat) from the block heading to High School as Freshman, the front had the two Seniors and a 8-track quad. Windows down and volume at 11.

Led Zeppelin The Lemon Song Official Audio - YouTube

The electrons are back. I am pleased. I didn't want to go to bed and be woken up by all the electronics coming back to life simultaneously. My NAS for example, emits a shrill beep when it spins to life.

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Update: It was indeed a transformer, the next street over. At least 300 properties affected.

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Lots of sirens so some clown probably drove their brodozer into a transformer. Who knows...

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The lights just went out. I am tooting on cellular in the dark.

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In the middle of a partial power outage. Two living room lights are on very dimly, like Elder Scrolls lanterns.

Never experienced this before.

Jim boosted

I hate to throw cold water on this but until it's clear safety culture has evolved beyond the bad old days space tourism is extremely high risk.

Jim boosted

@clacke @tindall I have for a long time been of the opinion that the number of people that understands technology is constant. Back in the 80's the people who understood technology and the people who used technology was roughly the same set. This led to a misbelief that using technology made you understand it.

Turns out that the cause and effect were reversed, and just like how you don't have to be a mechanic to drive a car these days, you don't have to understand technology to use it.

The notion that kids who grew up with a smartphone in their hand would understand technology like a child learns their mother's tongue is a huge, and frankly dangerous, lie that keeps being told even today. The term "digital native" is annoying me.

Just like the people who know how to design cars put things like seatbelts, crash protection, engine temperature warnings, etc into the cars to make them safe to use for people who are not mechanics, it's the duty of tech people to make the products they make safe for the users.

The tech industry is full of drug dealers only interested in peddling their dangerous wares rather than engineers that design safe products for the public's use.

You know, you can always come back.

Jim boosted

I've been a big Linda Perry fan since I saw 4 Non Blondes perform "What's Up?" on The Arsenio Hall show when I was like 14. I love that song as well as her work with Courtney Love and Pink.

This why I feel bad every time I laugh when someone says she looks like the Babadook.

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