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My first experience of systemd was on Arch, I think when it was replacing trad init around fall 2012. I kept up with the technical gossip, if not the real low-level arguments (didn't know enough) but I liked the things it was sold on: It was neat, tidy, and seductively fast, and it was (in a desktop scenario) completely reliable.

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I did the usual distro hopping and tinkering as a Linux enthusiast. Debian > Ubuntu > SuSe > Arch (for a looong time) > Gentoo > Slackware (I sort of stuck here and there) and lots of dabbling in whatever is 'current', and it's only now I've started to get a bit reactionary.

Manjaro making a proprietary browser the default? Well, the Linux distro ecosystem is famously overcrowded, and my advice would be stop using shit distros. There's plenty of better ones out there.

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⚠️ IMPORTANT: Users of Element Desktop/Web/Android, FluffyChat & Nheko should upgrade immediately to address a critical encryption vulnerability.

We are not aware of this being exploited in the wild yet, but as the bug is now disclosed please upgrade now.

Firefox does its own notifications? Doesn't need any system API? that's interesting.

Been playing about with DWM all morning because i'm so fucking tired of DEs that I use about 5% of. So far I really like it, although there is this thing with minimalism where the mentality spreads to everything. I look for simplicity in everything I use already, because heavy apps just look like an OS in themselves.

This is really dumb. Whatever your thoughts on Linehan (a twat, imho, always has been) and Britain's libel laws, performative tweets with backhanded insults are not going to help you if you've received a legitimate legal challenge. The smart thing to do is shut the fuck up, but there's an entire 'activist' generation on Twitter that aren't able to.

As a rule, I dislike remasters, for the same reason I dislike the Star Wars special editions. It's an artist trying to step into the same river twice.

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This remaster of Metallica's Black Album is nice and all, but I thought the point of the original was to be more or less production perfection. For sure, listening to the remaster now, I can't really hear the difference.

You can hate the patriot act, the TSA, homeland security and all those infringements, and still believe Mohammed Atta is a piece of shit that is burning in hell, and that none of those people that were murdered on 9/11 deserved what happened to them It's not mutually exclusive.

You cannot reason with extremists. It's sort of built into it, you know?

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Imagine if this was a response to a homosexual man being hurled off a rooftop in Mosul. "Well if they'd just thought about their choices up to that point".

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There is a fatal flaw in this argument - common among the performative liberal - that if you'd just own up to your failings, bad things would happen to you.

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The Fedi is not immune to excruciatingly poor hot-takes. The 'root cause that led to the attacks' in this one is the telltale of the edgy revisionist.

Me misbehaving at brunch, 1 WTC Windows on the World in 1978, in the cream-coloured 70s splendour of that restaurant.

From Birdsite. Supposedly written by a bot. Scorchingly funny, either way.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!