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OpenBSD 7.0 seems to like 1080p videos on my Dell Latitude a lot more than 6.9 did.

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In July you can't ever imagine it being cold again, and just like that, it's here. It's still early enough that there's a lot of moisture around in the mornings; when meteorological winter arrives it's much drier.

The vending machine just gave me two packets of beef jerky. I think we all know who has won Thursday.

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Meanings of the metaverse: Productizing reality

"Facebook, it’s now widely accepted, has been a calamity for the world. The obvious solution, most people would agree, is to get rid of Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg has a different idea: Get rid of the world."

#facebook #meta

I once very earnestly told a friend about this and he listened very carefully, pushed his glasses up his nose and said
"It's because you have repressed homosexual tendencies"

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I always am trying to make a flight or a train. Or a long drive and it's getting late.

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I am stressed at the moment. I can tell because the transport dreams have started again. Needing to be somewhere, a place in my weird dream version of London. Trains and planes, and needing to pack.

I should qualify this with the fact I have retinal damage and am pseudophakic, so bright light annoys me more than most.

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Generally speaking, whites are far too bright, and if you turn the brightness down you lose the shadows and it looks like shit. I don't know what Apple do differently with Retina but it achieves dynamic range in a much subtler way, without leaving me feeling like I've been staring at the sun.

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I got a Dell Precision 9560 to play with, probably the highest-end non-Apple laptop I've ever used. It's presumably great for stuff that uses the Nvidia side of the hybrid GPU but aside from that it has that same monitor thing all the Dells do of having a really hard white point. The XPS13 did this too.

You can still turn Bitlocker off within windows, but I missed where it told me it was activated, if it told me at all (I don't think it did)

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Interesting gotcha with Windows 11: If you sign in with an MS account (as opposed to a local account) and HW supports it, Bitlocker is enabled by default.

The good news is that the backup key is automatically stored in the MS cloud infrastructure, a fact I discovered when I was messing about imaging laptops on the workbench.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!