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Been a while since I've sat down plugged into a switch for a couple of hours. Earplugs are a Godsend. I really enjoy the coal face sysadmin stuff and will never give it up.

2fa now coming to our VPN. I knew this was coming. I don't think it's so bad but I hope it works with the FOSS clients. The last time I tested it a couple of years back you could use the otp feature of the 2fa app to get in. Fingers crossed.

I appreciated this guy's film of his single-handed voyage. There's a lovely bit where he chats with a cruise ship, both parties must appreciate alleviating the loneliness.

My son acquired a little model sailing ship from a yard sale, and he's now making plans. "I will get a job when I am 30. or 38. Then I will get the biggest sailing ship in the world and live on it with cats and dogs"

Jim boosted

...Which was good, because I did not have 5k to give them.

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I also got a $5000 bill from a lab because my oncologist had to send biopsy items to them to be identified; I had no say in the matter. The lab were really good about this though, and sorted it out for me.

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My insurer is also my provider, which is dodgy as fuck imho.

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Likewise when I was treated for what was a pretty high-risk cancer, I had to wait for approval several times for certain things. So some anonymous pen-pusher has more power than an MD. It's complete shite.

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One of the many bonkers things about US healthcare is how insurance dictates the standard of care, so you get silly things like me having to go talk to the dentist so he can pre-auth the work he wants to do; he cannot simply do it because the insurer might reject it.

Jim boosted

@cblgh "we have increasingly come to understand that GUIs hide the systems that drive that production, and by extension, the labor to maintain and sustain them."


Growing slap bang in the middle of my drive. It's very pretty.

Is it Friday? It's Friday. Friday. Friday never changes. Friday changed. Did it? No. I am experiencing that emotion of wanting to laugh but its not actually funny at all.

I wonder why I run to OpenBSD sometimes, like a sinner that has strayed far from the Church. Then I read things like this, and remember why.

I see Apple have expanded ifconfig in new and exciting ways (head smashing sound)

This is normally a remote day for me so I don't get that holiday feeling. However everyone else is home and that's different. I am on the couch with my dog drinking my morning ☕️☕️ happy holidays if it is one in your part of the world.

I was playing with new firewall rules and managed to lock everyone, including myself out for the day. This was a great success, because I now know that particular rule doesn't fucking work

The Vader/Kenobi fight in the finale of Obi Wan is so good, and very similar to the Ahsoka scene in Rebels.

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