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I'm reminded that Sarah Jeong wrote a puff-piece on Masto a while back:

She quit in less than a year, and went back to Birdsite where she remains to this day.

This is because Birdsite resolved all it's cultural problems to her satisfaction. It has only improved since 2018.

No, you stop smirking.

Disapppointing even Krebs can't break his old habits, so fuck him.

I've never really noticed before this wave how obvious Birdsite behaviours are. You can tell just from someone's style they've come from there recently. It's distinctive, like a dialect.

Commentary talking about the difficulty Red Bull have in getting their cars working around Interlagos.

They are 1st and 2nd.

I wonder if Ferrari, based on their endless capacity to underperform when it counts, will lose 2nd in the constructors. It is just a 40 point gap. it's possible to lose it.

Needed to rebuild youngest son's desktop as "My Linux Broke" and used Elementary. He absolutely loves it, he spends all his time on SuperTux, SuperTuxKart, GCompris, and his beloved Tuxpaint.

Watching practice one at Sao Paolo. Struck by just how fast this year has gone. The beginning of the season feels so distant.

I've seen some use the avatar of the channel owner, which is pretty slick.

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Spam commenters are at it again on YouTube. They change up their methods and are now using phish style tailored messages.

The fediverse's big vulnerability is capital. Nobody is ready for what might happen if a large amount of cash gets injected into part of it (say a certain German organization) and development and infrastructure become effectively centralized. All of the language will be correct, the optics will be perfect, because capital is adaptable.

Well, late to the party (as usual) but Severance is really good.

I remember when myspace would render HTML in full from the comments form. I went to my page once and it was hot pink, playing the star wars cantina music theme in MIDI, and had all these little fat babies floating about. Courtesy of one of my friends.

Man, is the kind of subtlety we need more of.

Jim boosted

New Mastodon Instance, Culture Jamming 

The main reason I'm doing this, beyond a really funny suggestion by @dustin sparking my imagination, is that in a time of major shifts in the size and norms of the fediverse, doubling down on weird and not taking ourselves too seriously is the best thing we can do.

Fuck corporatization, fuck mainstream social networks, fuck capitalism, and fuck brands. Fuck influencers and advertising and analytics. Fuck turning all of your hobbies and passions into secondary outlets when you just wanted to enjoy something. Fuck real estate development. Fuck billionaires and fuck people trying to pass laws trying to take away your rights. Fuck all of it.

Let's just have fun instead. Let's cause confusion and mayhem and maybe even trick Wendy's into thinking Brands Social into thinking that's just where all the brands go.
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I might use one of the recently retired rack servers from work as a poudriere donkey. Did it before and it worked really well.

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LLVM is an absolutely insanely long compile on modest hardware. It's probably 80% of most compiler runs in terns of time.

I got a weird corruption issue on my VPS, quite tricky to sort out. Basically I want to do another instance and was getting it ready and of course it's taken all morning just to get it updated and stabilised.

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One thing I like about is that on the occasion you really make a mess between the excellent docs and the community there's nearly always an answer.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!