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Jim boosted

Am I supposed to treat the mass migration of journalists from Twitter as a good sign?

Because they were the *worst* thing about Twitter.

Holy heck VW are here! Is that one of the first big corporate accounts on the Fedi?

A reminder that around the time of the Model 3 ramp-up people were predicting the death of Tesla daily, mainly on Twitter. It's a drama machine.

We don't have to be like that.

Jim boosted
There's an at least 20% chance that somewhere out there is a company with a button that literally says "What are you even doing? Don't fucking press this button!", but the programmer that labeled it that way left a decade ago, running the business requires pushing the button every day and nobody has prioritized even relabeling the button.

Not sure why bullshitter Buxton is claiming Ferrari hoped to take a championship this year. *They* said no such thing.

This Turkish Airlines window view of Los Angeles and arrival into LAX is so immersive I caught myself feeling a pang of anxiety about getting my luggage and onward transit.

I enjoyed this snippet of The Edge talking about the coda to 'With or Without You'.

The foliage is different, the air is different, the light is different. To all intents you're in another place.

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A strange thing with the change of seasons. When you're scraping ice off your car and your fingertips are stinging with the cold, you can't ever imagine it being hot there. When it's mid summer and you're trying to keep the sweat out of your eyes you can't imagine mornings like this.

Jim boosted

Just did an edit to see what happens; don't plan on making a habit of it because I don't make a habit of typing stuff wrogn or imgrammatically

Jim boosted

who do we know within 50 miles of Boston who would like the occasional free box of vegetarian meal kits delivered to them? I've got 100$ of work credit every week to give out

Jim boosted

Max again demonstrating his absolute disdain for everyone but himself.

Jim boosted

I'm dragging my feet with the #introduction so let's sort it out.

Hey everyone, I'm in infra and ops part of IT for quite some time. I love #kubernetes and all sorts of #automation.

Beside tech stuff, I ride #bike (both kinds), hike, drink #craftbeer, make #cidre, listen to #music (and dream of producing some again), not all together most of the time.

I'm not much of a talker but looking forward for any interaction. Thanks @nova for this place, I immediately felt the sense of community.

Looking at U2's back catalogue on Spotify, nearly everything gets an anniversary dust-off, with remixes and additional tracks. But not 'Pop'. That clearly remains an experiment they'd rather forget about, which is a shame, because it has some good stuff.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!