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Jim boosted

Happy new year everyone. Wishing you all wellness, happiness, and kindness in 2023.

Jim boosted

Happy New Year, Fedi. I hope you're all having a great morning!

Jim boosted
Hi everyone, I'm new here from twitter because elon musk is literally Hitler.

I occasionally post about how mastadon needs to change now that I'm here.

Do not view my posts if you do not have a pinned intro.

If you make a post with words and dont use cw I will report you to John mastadon

You are not allowed to have a mastadon that does not abide with my shifting tocs


Having a word limit higher than mine will result in your account being suspended

If you like my post without my explicit permission I will report you to twitter and your account will be removed from mastodon

Glad to be here!
Jim boosted

Trying something on Mastodon! Ask me the meaning of any printing or typographic term and I will try answer them all! #printing #typography

Jim boosted

We are above freezing and the sun is out! Good morning Fedi!

Jim boosted

Artists wanted.

We're launching an art focused instance with a refined experience, built for artists and artisans, early next year!

Interested in joining the beta?

Follow us, and keep an eye out for updates over the next few weeks 😉

The tiny little clinic in Andalucia where I got my COVID test in order to return home is sending me birthday wishes. It's a funny little world.

Just rolled over midnight here. It's my birthday!

The YouTube mapping subculture is really weird.

My 6yr old presented this with "Because you do all the jokes". I could not be more proud.

@encarsia I have seen the Pantera revival was a great success. Some of the YT videos are really good.

Jim boosted

Everyone who's ever said "if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear" is somebody trying to bully you into giving them the power to strip you of your dignity at a moment's notice.

On a whim, whenever it's convenient for them.

That's the fight. It's not about privacy, it's not about secrets, and it never was. It's about about power.

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A Merry Christmas to all my Fedi friends. Lots of love to you wherever you are.

Probably a bit longer in peak than Is ideal but that's a matter of conditioning.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!