aaaa watching ai play minecraft is stressful
- digs straight down
- digs straight up
- jumps around under trees it can't reach
- then digs straight down
- finds one (1) diamond which is its goal and then ignores the other diamonds
- places and removes furnaces, slowing its forward progress once it reaches bedrock
- places so many furnaces that it is boxed in
- wears out its pickaxe
- is stuck forever in its box of furnaces
- but found that one diamond that one time which is all that matters
@Antiquixotic I still remember your words about fitness a few months back. Still at it, actually beyond where I was when I faded out a year ago, and still motivated, so thank you internet stranger for a valuable slice of encouragement.
Powershell is lightyears ahead of anything MS did server side for years, but it's still a very weird paradigm to get used to. The documentation is very MS - comprehensive but clear as mud.
Wow, after 25 years of Unix experience, I learned that you can filter output in #less.
Press ampersand (&) and enter a regex to show only lines matching the regex.
Press ampersand (&) and then exclamation mark (!) to apply an inverse filter.
Seeing all these posts about MS365 being shit...DOS crashed a lot, Windows has always had a shit UI, MS Word is the worst document tool I've ever used, MS Excel couldn't compete when there was competition, did anyone really think Visual Basic was a serious programming language?, Visual Studio is shit for anything but Windows programming, ...
When you primarily pursue anti-competitive behavior, there is little left for quality.
FOSS, motorbikes, and photography.