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If anyone is wondering where the rain is? It's all falling on Pittsburgh.

Jim boosted

A lot happening at work and life at the moment. The recurring dreams have started up again. A quite personal heavily revised draft of a post I published a while back.

I should have switched to the user but I just missed a step, because the script does not switch user, it relies on the service manager to do that.

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Changed a config file (one line) and tested it, carelessly running the daemon from its startup script (prototypical for this product in testing) BUT I was still root. This rewrote a bunch of file perms in the web root resulting in a successful start but a very dead web server.

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Trying to sort out our Confluence wiki web access (talking out) I broke it. hard.

Jim boosted

Yoda: marijuana?

Yoda’s girlfriend: oh my god yes! It’s gonna be such an amazing wedding—

Yoda: *long drag* fucked up I have

Has anyone tried BladeRunner's "You see a tortoise" monologue as a writing prompt for one of the AI things?

Jim boosted

Nothing quite speaks to the relentless ravages of time quite like EMF's Spotify header image

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Today in 1942, 81 years ago: World War II: General Douglas MacArthur, at Terowie, South Australia, makes his famous speech regarding the fall of the Philippines, in which he says: "I came out of Bataan and I shall return".


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It looks like it’s’s turn with the porn bots that have potentially malicious links in their profiles. Not sure if they gave up on, but I am guessing this actor will be cycling through many instances in the coming days and weeks. Just be aware and report them as you see them.

Jim boosted

A friend in the UK had built a one-click paywall where it was like $1 a click to get around, but they were just launching right as covid started so I don't know that it really got a whole lot of traction. But god, the subscription-access only internet is really just, it feels vaguely like a walk through a tourist district where every square inch is loud screen printed tees and gaming machines and buskers asking for $5 with a QR code. That has value in limited doses only. (2/2)

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Jim boosted

Part of the problem with subscription access to everything is that it effectively sets the price to look at any random article or video regardless of quality/value at about $100. I'm sorry, but unless you have proof of Bigfoot, or UFO's, or something REALLY fucking compelling, most content isn't worth $100 for one click. Like, you could buy a permanent piece of wall art for that. Or a huge new hard drive. Or other similar tangible content-goods. (1/2)

23F this morning. Why is it so bloody cold this week? 🥶🥶

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