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Jim boosted

I hate peddling my own wares but I'm a stubborn fool who decided to make my career in the arts because I probably wasn't good for much else. Unfortunately, this makes wares-peddling kind of unavoidable. So, if you like abandoned places, I have signed copies of my first book, "Abandoned America: The Age of Consequences" on sale with a free 5x7 print. There are 30-odd chapters of photos of some of my favorite abandoned places in it, so, idk, if that's your thing here you go

The dash on my car is warning of icing conditions. There are some snowflakes falling outside. It will be 83F tomorrow

The dog approached the postman this morning, and collected some pats. This was an amazing development.

Jim boosted

Web3 has been around since the beginning. When you type in a URL and start it with www, those three w's stand for "webwebweb".

Jim boosted

::: SOLUS Linux back stronger than ever! :solus:

The new Solus team will be elaborated tomorrow 18.4. Tuesday.

* Process for a an alternative infrastructure for Solus has been initiated

* A new binary package repository server that has been validated

* A new server has been brought up

* Josh Strobl is back


#Solus #Linux #back #team #developers @JoshStrobl #news #infrastructure #development #server #Flarum #Phabricator #OpenCollective

And on to 5. My original notion of pacing these didn't work for this one, so I let the time rattle on and just focused on events.

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Got to my abortive attempt at an engineering degree back in the millennium. Not easy to revisit but it's always good to reflect.

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Part 2 is up; I apologize for the length, but I have a good idea of how I wanted to slice it all up. At least you didn't have to live it, hehe.

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My wife said I should start writing some things down about how I came to end up in the states, so I want back to what feels like the beginning to me.

The cathedral and dippy, on a blazing hot lunchtime. Awkward framing but I wanted to get it all in. The flagpole was too tall and I did not have my saw with me.

Jim boosted

Yak shaving chronicles. TL;DR

Simply wanted to evaluate Jellyfin media server on TrueNAS.

Ended up smashing my NAS enclosure with a hammer and purchasing a Synology DS420+.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!