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Had to board my dog to visit my dad. My dad's dog makes the pain a little easier.

I mean AI would happily take responsibility for murdering us all, and enjoying a coke and a smile while it's at it.

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I keep seeing a lot of researchers discussing responsible AI but this seems to be putting the cart before the horse. The people that create it need to be responsible first.

The fresno lab story is horrendous. What the hell were they doing?

People keep predicting it, starting hashtags, writing 1000s of words in blogs, and it is outliving all of them.

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It's kind of funny that Twitter, like Tesla a couple of years ago, just won't fucking die.

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grishams's milk bottle, view 1, timon boulevard, corpus christi, texas, 1988

...and at Home Depot Friday. The garden is going crazy with all this rain and sun.

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@sullybiker He does know Venus's air is 1000° vaporized ammonia, right?
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Today in 1914, 109 years ago: In the culmination of the July Crisis, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, igniting World War I.


I took a run out to the store and saw a work truck that had hit a telegraph poie at the end of our road. The truck was absolutely wrecked. Hope the driver was okay. No ambulance, just a cruiser so I expect they weren't hurt. . The pole was somehow still standing.

The last time this happened the pole did not make it and our power was out for five hours.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!