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Anniversary card cost me almost a tenner. I might just take the punishment next year.

I wish I could bottle my dog's joy at prancing around in the snow. He's part husky and he loves it.

Jim boosted
Jim boosted

@beastoftraal #AltText4You. A pair of screenshots:

The first is from The NY Times. An article is titled “Everyone wants your email address. Think twice before sharing it.” It has a pop-up window which demands an email address to continue reading.

Then an article from Nature magazine, titled “The growing inaccessibility of science”. To read the article, one must subscribe to the journal, at a cost of $199 per year.

Took this on my old Pixel 2. It's the boiler plant at Bellefield, making a cloud on a very cold 0F day back in 2018.

My dad's kitchen in Spain. I took a stacked exposure and used Luminance, a FOSS high dynamic range (HDR) to process the files. I like the blues; this is pretty much what it looks like when the sun comes through the living room windows.

Jim boosted

Today in 1983, 41 years ago: The ARPANET officially changes to using TCP/IP, the Internet Protocol, effectively creating the Internet.


Jim boosted

We have some much needed snow for new year. It isn't much, but we are so behind on totals.

I hope the fedi has a great 2024. My love to you all.

Jim boosted

"Well, I could've done that!" says local man who could not have done that, nor much of anything worthwhile at all, for that matter

Jim boosted

Today in 2001, 22 years ago: in the first 12 countries of the euro zone, the old national currencies go out of circulation.


This Audi is under tow. The truck's white strobes are so bright it was dangerous. Like staring into the sun.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!