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I really need to be on a beach somewhere

For some reason the cartoon strip Charlie Brooker used to do for PC Zone just popped into my head. I remember The Wombles rendered in the quake engine, but they were called 'Tobergory' and 'Horinoco'. I think the Spice Girls were in there somewhere.

I have an old Dell tower that sits on my desk that I potter about with. There was a scheduled power outage a week ago and It did not come back up. Worse still the CMOS reset back to factory (dead Battery I guess) and reset the SATA mode to 'raid' which is a weird Dell thing. Anyway that's the story of why my toy box wouldn't boot this morning.

I had to wait for the Amtrak to pass to cross the rails to my office this morning. They are now running Siemens blue orange and yellow locomotives, giving me a weird flashback to South West Trains back home.

Ann Bradshaw was very much the face of Williams Grand Prix Engineering throughout the 90s. It's great to see a piece on her.

It is 7F/-13C outside. I want to stay home but alas work calls.

Jim boosted

Because of the relentless of search, official results for Apache documentation are at the bottom of a results page, below all the certmonkey sites. How did we end up like this? Fucking hell.

I have not been overly fond of Tycho/Scott Hansen's integration of vocals, but this absolutely slaps, as the kids say

When Desert Storm started the Royal Air Force were fairly well represented in the casualty reports. This was pre-internet, it was all TV or print, I knew a few school friends with parents involved and It was pretty nail biting in the early days.

Jim boosted

Today in 1991, 33 years ago: Coalition Forces go to war with Iraq, beginning the Gulf War.


Jim boosted

Today in 2003, 21 years ago: The Space Shuttle Columbia takes off for mission STS-107 which would be its final one. Columbia disintegrated 16 days later on re-entry.


Schools all went remote today..the roads had not been treated at all. They just did them 10am. It doesn't take much to cause chaos here as there are so many hills.

Jim boosted

Just said “sorry” out loud to my language learning app which is definitely in the top 10 things people with normal happy childhoods do

More snow on the way. We have not had much this year.

5pm and still light outside. Yes please (even if it is 15F)

Jim boosted
Jim boosted

This blog post comes from deep inside the world of advertising, from people trying to move away from cookies. And along the way offer a VERY rare insight into the dark technology behind advertising and tracking ("hashed offline passbacks", "first and multi-touch attribution"), stuff you almost never read about.

Jim boosted

Whoah. It was cold enough here in #Alberta that #propane condensed in a wine glass. 🤯​

#PolarVortex #abwx

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