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The combined news about Andretti and Hamilton has brought out both the racists and the anti-European bigots in the fanbase. America has a long way to go.

Waiting for someone to clear a left turn today, not one, but two people took to a right turn only lane to go past me. Then on my highway exit somebody swerved across three lanes to beat me to the ramp. I was listening to Sigur Ros' The Art of Meditation. Sometimes the universe is hilarious.

Jim boosted
Jim boosted

"Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Meta combined more than doubled their energy consumption between 2017 and 2021."

And they will double their energy and water and material demand again by 2026.

Is anyone anywhere in government paying the least bit of attention to the environmental catastrophe that Big Tech is massively accelerating? Or have all our politicians been bought off by Big Tech?

Jim boosted

Today in 1911, 113 years ago: The destroyer USS Terry makes the first airplane rescue at sea saving the life of Douglas McCurdy 16 kilometres (10 mi) from Havana, Cuba.


Jim boosted

That is AS400 from IBM. Although discounted by IBM, it is still in production in many places running mission-critical apps. It's far better than the stuff people write today. This is how reliability looks. Why break it when it works?

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Today in 1595, 429 years ago: the tragedy Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, is premiered in London.


Sometimes I will put my blanket over my head because my dog cannot deal with it all. He will bark at me then jump on the couch and pull the blanket off.

Jim boosted

62F this morning. That is a 50 degree shift in a week. They are out cold patching roads already.

The worst thing to come out of the pandemic were the always-on remote working toolchains, and the expectation that you never stop working.

A lot of rain this afternoon. We need it.

It reminds me of that scene in Smokey and the Bandit 2 where someone keeps saying no while being handed more and more money, until they say yes.

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@mntmn The internet has created this idea where you have to google everything, but I know with the reform that whatever it is, it's almost certainly in the handbook.

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