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Jim boosted

Today in 1932, 92 years ago: Bremen crosses the Atlantic Ocean in 4 days and 17 hours, achieving the "blue ribbon".


My son got my old phone for emergencies when he does after school activities. He is off today and is helpfully sending me emails 're - BOFA'

Convinced the boss to let us dump Atlassian because their product really is a gigantic pile of shite.

Jim boosted

It beats listening to my HVAC unit humming, or my colleague tapping her foot.

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The bigger problem is if I start to tune into it, I start mentally exploring and inhabiting the world, and not doing any work.

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These things don't usually work for me but I have had this on for about an hour.

Jim boosted

Today's dumbest take: "XML is for data exchange, JSON is for serialization in APIs, and YAML is for configuration"

No; those are all serialization formats with different trade-offs. XML has a formal spec and allows you to have a very detailed schema definition and transform data via a stylesheet transform; this is extremely powerful.

JSON was created to make it faster for JavaScript to pass serialized objects around; it's "programmer friendly" in that it's familiar to anyone who has built a JavaScript object. It's popular for "API with ReSTful verbs" type projects, but it's not required or particularly well-suited -- it's main advantage is that it's fast to parse in JavaScript. It has only rudimentary schema definition.

YAML exists to try to make a simplified hierarchical data structure that's more human-friendly than other markup/serialization formats (which is why it's enticing for config files, even though that's actually a terrible use for it).

Jim boosted

I do think it is an important time of year to remind people that Tornados are attracked to plastic pink flamingos.

Just say no to them

Ferrari's teaser for the SF24 launch. They really know how to do it.

Jim boosted

Now that Fusion 360 costs more than the GDP of many countries, what are the cool kids using to design their models for 3d printing?

Jim boosted

TIL that Frankfurt has a neighborhood w a Mediterranean microclimate, due to sunlight reflected off the river and wind-resistance, where even palms and bananas grow called The Nizza,_F
#til #todayilearned

Eloy Casagrande breaks down the percussion behind the 1996 banger 'Roots Bloody Roots' πŸ‡§πŸ‡·

Jim boosted

I am a web designer in my twenties. I’m wondering why the industry is designing for one browser, and for a handful of screen resolutions.

I am a web designer in my thirties. I’m wondering why the industry is designing for one browser, and for a handful of screen resolutions.

I am a web designer in my forties. I’m wondering why the industry is designing for one browser, and for a handful of screen resolutions.

I am a web designer in my fifties. I’m wonderi

"We'd love to hear your feedback" My feedback is let me use your fucking website

Evening walk with my dog. Clear as a bell, no wind. Some bite in the air but otherwise tolerable. 1745 and not dark yet. Spring is coming.

Jim boosted

GDPR&co. in Slovakia:

Doctor's waiting room, full of people. Nurse comes out to bring one patient in:

- before GDPR: Mr. Smith, please come in.
- after GDPR: The gentleman with syphilis, please come in.

Roughly related to/inspired by:

via @countcol

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!