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It is a mystery to me why someone would voluntarily put this on their car.

Jim boosted

Today in 2005, 19 years ago: American businessman Steve Fossett lands in Salina (Kansas) after circumnavigating the world in 67 hours, at an average of 550 km/h. He is the first person to fly around the world without refueling.


Leg 1 of what will be about 24hrs of travel. I won't say I'm ready because I hate leaving my family now I am an old fart, but it will be good to see dad.

Jim boosted

JFC, people in tech are really out there saying that language models will be better at therapy, financial advice, and career advice than trained people.

WTF is wrong with you people? Do you really have no clue about what other people’s jobs actually involve?

Language models can’t even do maths how are they supposed to get good at financial advice?

And therapy? Just… 😑

What’s wrong with people in tech?

Jim boosted
I have to post this song every few years. The cryptocurrency bubble got replaced by the 'AI' bubble which will be replaced by the next bubble and so on and so on.

That's the tech sector, surfing from bubble to bubble.
Jim boosted

disappointing this is even less competitive but this is the way it goes. Stability of regs means the strongest teams get stronger.

If you need to design an entire frontend around apt to solve a problem nobody seems to have, I have to question development priorities.

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KDE Neon continues to be very usable, even with some silly bugs (missing DBUS service files for logout and shutdown so the buttons don't work) but I have really struggled to forgive the whole pkcon nonsense. Linux desktop will take a giant step forward when they stop endlessly reinventing the same old shit.

@onepict in your wheelhouse...
Flock, the AI license plate surveillance startup, put up cameras without permits

Jim boosted

Today in 1917, 107 years ago: World War I: The U.S. ambassador Walter Hines Page to the United Kingdom is given the Zimmermann Telegram, in which Germany pledges to ensure the return of New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona to Mexico if Mexico declares war on the United States.


Jim boosted

@sullybiker That photographer really captured the warm glow you get, skipping those annoying T&Cs.

Jim boosted

Today in 1778, 246 years ago: American Revolutionary War: Baron von Steuben arrives at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, to help train the Continental Army.


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