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The tree is gone. I felt a bit odd about it. Must be very old. It was not dead, unlike it's neighbors (a future headache) but in a few hours it was pruned and felled with a loud thump. Au Revoir tree. Thanks for not destroying my home.

Well, a tree just fell on my house. Everyone's okay.

A gartner analyst has asked to meet me to discuss 'emerging tech trends' and I've had to let them know I'm terribly sorry but I'm too busy wiring up my testicles to a car battery. Because I had a choice.

Jim boosted
Jim boosted

xz-utils takes 

Oscar Wilde: "Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing".

The Economist's expert: “The bottom line is that we have untold trillions of dollars riding on top of code developed by hobbyists” [on the xz vulnerability]

This looks like open source FUD, so here's a refute: 1) the sophistication required to sneak something into a so-called hobby project, 2) it failed, 3) it had to happen in the open, 4) think about how easy this is done in closed source

Finally some warmth has come in. I cut the front lawn yesterday, just before the eclipse, and it's even hotter today. The car's AC ran for the first time this year when I took the lad out to see some trains at the switching yard.

Jim boosted
Jim boosted

The Cherry blossom flakes turned into an actual blizzard on the way home. So surreal.

The gloomy weather is making people absolutely miserable. I've never seen people laying on the horn so much in all the years I've done this commute. This isn't New York, chill the fuck out.

Jim boosted

Credit where credit is due! I'd really like to take a minute and thank Jia Tan how they helped us to finally get sd_notify() support merged into OpenSSH upstream!

Thank you, Jia, you rock!

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