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Southampton, Hampshire, back in December 2010. Snow was quite rare in my 15yrs there; this and the previous year saw some of the largest accumulations I'd seen. This was the same weather that closed EGKK (London Gatwick) for about three days.

These were taken with an HTC Desire.

This is a curious idea for a game. The interior of an Oscar II sub is absolutely fascinating, and apparently very well realised.

It's nearly Xmas, which means it's a good time for the Die Hard song:

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Late Night Linux | Episode 52.

Graham and Joe have been checking out a mobile Linux operating system Sailfish OS 3 from Jolla.

There’s also a packed news segment including KDE, RISC-V, Fedora, + the FSF.

#LateNightLinux #Sailfish3 #KDE #RISCV #FSF #Fedora #MobileLinux #podcast

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It's that time of year when it's routinely around 25F in the mornings. The kid in me likes it, the biker in me absolutely hates it.

I know Jwiz prides himself on security and simplicity, but a Dbus api would be very nice.

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Man Xscreensaver really is a persistent little bugger.

...There is always *some* job it's running that absolutely saturates the I/O. It's infuriating. This used to annoy me enough with servers, but on a modest laptop with a 5200rpm spinner it's intolerable.

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finally rescued an old T61 that I was using as a Windows box. The application my bike's fuel controller uses needs Windows. I don't foresee needing that anymore so I swapped the drive with the original Slackware install. It's working very nicely now.

Windows was becoming to all intents unusable due to the I/O thrashing (an almost constant disk queue).

This is something that never fails to amaze me about Windows, and it's been a thing since Vista and they *still* won't sort it.

A quick jaunt over to birdsite and I saw a couple of high-profile accounts complaining about and his meditation retreat.

There are alternatives. You have choice.

One of those accounts has a .social presence that she never uses.

Some people just like to complain.

Since battling various problems with my eyes since my retina decided to part ways with my left eye, I've made a lot of observations about accessibility. Masto does a good job, I find it very readable.

This is an excample of a colour scheme that absolutely doesn't work well for me:

I don't know why I find Dire Straits and Sting (looking like he just got out of bed) so amusing but I do

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Facebook a la Tolkien 

In the old days, the Curly One, whose name shall not be mentioned, forged a Palantir for people to share their thoughts and lives with their friends. But secretly, he forged a spying device that allowed him to see it all and control it all.

The incantation started like this:


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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!