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There is some orange glowing thing in the sky. Fairly certaing it is a trap.

Anyway, while we're on the subject f telly I have really been enjoying the new Das Boot.

I'm a huge devotee of the original and wasn't expecting much, but I'm really enjoying it thus far.

MRI this morning. That was different. It is not easy to sit perfectly still for 45 minutes. I've no idea how they get kids through it.

True Detective 

So series 3 concludes. I liked it, overall.

Every series has begun hinting at some wide-ranging conspiracy, but the reveal is actually small and simple. It can feel anti-climactic but I have enjoyed them, even the messy series 2.

Birdsite has gone really weird. There's now a very clear pattern of looking to get upset about something. Nobody cares about John Wayne. He's long dead. Ghostbusters 2016 was shit. It's not complicated.


I mean, obviously there is little risk of it exploding and irradiating half of Europe, but still. Omelettes and eggs and all that.

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Interesting reading about the solar farm at CHNPP; an interesting window into the challenges of renewables.

It is 1MW output; 0.001 of a single RBMK-1000 channel reactor, and that output is nowhere near stable.

Jim boosted

Spent some time playing with OpenAI's GPT-2 neural net, which, delightfully, writes fan fiction and generates very suspect science facts.

Saw an RX580 with my own eyes today. GPUs really have got comically huge. I mean, it's fucking massive.

Again a Ruby OOM and CPU runaway on my host. I absolutely cannot figure out what's causing it.

The school of art, 1yr ago today. It's that time of year when I'm really getting quite sick of the snow, as pretty as it is.

It's pissing down with rain today.

A great long read about line editors, on the amusingly-named lithub:

Jim boosted

I will never forget the time I went to the movie theater with my dad and we got all excited about a trailer for a movie set in space with Harrison Ford because we thought it would be Star Wars, only to find out it was Ender’s Game

Some part of Mastodon is periodically exhausting all my VM's memory. It's getting quite annoying.

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