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And often the headline writer hasn't read it either.

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It is precisely the same phenomenon as people sharing articles they have only read the headline of.

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The result is a pile of shitty opinions that aren't really based on anything concrete, because people are too lazy to do the work.

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This is something that has increasingly disturbed me about social media. People getting their education from Tweets. Take a spoonful of fact, sieve it through a bowl of ignorance and various prejudice, then excrete it al over twitter as a take.

I did quick ride. It was very fucking cold indeed.

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Completed 6 days straight of interval training. Time for a break until monday. I really want to do some light cycling over the weekend but it's frightfully cold.

Hah, users. If you want root access and you don't even understand the basic principles of SSH keys I think you need to go back to the drawing board.

Looking at GPU servers for a possible infrastructure project and holy shit are they thirsty. 3.2KW draw and around 11k BTU/H. That's atrocious environmentally.

Damn the end credits instrumental for Versailles is gorgeous.

We're in that phase of January where there's strings of sub-zero very dry days. The light sprinkles of snow stay on the ground like icing sugar, and the air stings your lungs. My humidifier gets through liters of water a day. Roll on Spring.

So did webull open trading again after they bought a load of positions? That's shitty. It's also how the street works with everything.

When you hurt the money they'll come after you quicker than any other reason.

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Wall Street Bets are getting Parler'd.

Wall Street being humiliated by what are basically trolls will see more regulation enacted than any other event. Bet on it.

Jim boosted

Oh, great.

Most modern Linux operating systems contain a flawed version of sudo that can be exploited to allow non-privileged users to run commands as the root user. If you run multi-user Linux systems, please patch as soon as possible and review your sudo logs for signs of exploitation. All others, patch your systems in a timely manner."

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