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Because the problem remains, and ultimately somebody has to pay for it.

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Always surprised me HOAs don't create some kind of collective cooperative credit union, so they can at least raise capital and have some mechanism for paying for it longer term. Maybe they do, idk

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You don't have to have a crystal ball to work out that's not going to be reachable for most people. There must be a better way.

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In the case of re-finishing a flat roof or painting the building, okay, but major repairs? Doesn't work. The special assessment for the building that collapsed apparently meant all residents paying 82000 USD.

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The trouble is the method for dealing with maintenance projects in this condos, the so-called 'Special Assessment' is completely insane. Basically the residents have to collectively fund works.

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Had my chemo port removed today. Very fast procedure, much simpler than when it went in (which was general surgery).

Although it's local anaesthetic and painless I'd almost rather be asleep. The imagination is much worse than what is actually taking place. The weird sensations of tugging and pressure and the doctor's head just above your chest.

I am growing tired of security researchers digging out esoteric, difficult to execute exploits, releasing them with scary names and then reapng clout. It's utterly tedious.

Jim boosted

Bluetooth audio implementations are weird. My wireless earbuds have this fade-in with every embedded audio file or web video. I don't understand why. My Bose headphones just play it like you'd expect.

The inimitable Marlon's Ducati Factory tour is absolutely brutal. I could barely get through it for laughing.

I really need to stop biting with Holocaust deniers on Youtube.

Jim boosted

"Moray eels can hunt on land, and footage from a recent study highlights how they accomplish this feat with a sneaky second set of jaws."

When an Eel Climbs a Ramp to Eat Squid from a Clamp, That's a Moray:

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!