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Jim boosted

The idiom "happy as a clam at high tide" has some truth to it. For many bivalves, such as cockles, high tide is a time of feeding + respiration. The clam is open, with rapid cycles of valve closure and reopening as it takes in food and expel waste by "valve-clapping", like a bellows. At low tide, it clams up and stews in its own juices. It respires, and as CO2 builds up, its internal pH declines. The tide then rises and the clam is free to reopen, breathe/feed and do its thing again! #clamfacts

Jim boosted

I once tried cooking ground chickpeas by pressing it in an iron. It turned out really bad. But you know what, it's not like I broke any rules.

It was an awful, lawful falafel waffle.

Suns out after days of gloom. I've done all my yard work.

I understand the motivation - it is fairly sound - a company owned by IBM has to take this shit seriously.

What I'm curious about is what led to it. Did something happen, or did one of their devs suddenly have a lightbulb moment?

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So after *just* getting somewhere with hardware decoding in Linux Fedora decided to patent troll themselves. Ugh, patent law is such a protectionist shitshow.

No electronics keeping the front wheel on the ground either.

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Peter Hickman onboard from the IOM TT course. Truly bottom-clenching stuff.

I was cold so I put on my work-branded fleece (the only branded thing I have) and now I'm sweating because it's sunny. Autumn can kindly locate a bag of dicks and feast on them.

Some frost outside this morning. Fuck that.

I have decided to not suffer and gave in to running the heating for a bit. In September.

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Mount pumping out 33 lines of output on Ubuntu really is fucking special. How did we get to this point? Why is it so fucking complicated?

We have this low pressure system which means we've skipped the transition from hot weather and gone straight into late October grey windy days and cold nights. I can't say I like it.

Crowdstrike is really fucking good. I don't normally dig products like this but this is a very decent one.

PPAs are just technical debt for sysadmins

Jim boosted
Internet: "The network allows for various kinds of protocols that y-"

Developers: "There is only HTTP"

HTTP: "You can formulate all kind of requests using GET, POST, PUT, DELE-"

Developers: "There is only POST"

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!