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The amount of yak shaving bullshit you have to go through to get WinRM working cross-platform it's hardly worth the bother.

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That one Imperial captain in Empire Strikes Back that gets out of the zoom call by pretending to get hit by an asteroid...

yeah, I find him highly relatable.

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Battled a stomach bug for the last 24 hours. Absolutely brutal. Haven't had one like it in over a decade. Not a single atom left inside my digestive tract. Now feel better but my God the cramps are awful.

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“What’s the worst UI for a signature on an online form?”

Me: 🤔

11 years in SW PA and this is the oddest winter I've known. Bitter cold over Friday/Saturday, followed by near shirt sleeve weather on Sunday evening. Where's the snow? We've barely had any (I may regret these words)

90 minute sesh on the trainer with Daytona 24 distracting me

We Own This City is an important work in the light of Tyre Nichols. Very similar culture in an out-of-control special operations squad.

David Simon on BPD officer Sean Suiter's controversial death and depiction of same in the HBO mini series.

David Morrissey on his career and acting in this BAFTA interview Catch him in State of Play and The Red Riding Trilogy.

One of the most difficult customers for a Helpdesk is the specter of learned ignorance. You know they're doing something wrong, you know they're not following the instructions, and you know it's going to be very difficult to make it all work, because they can't conceive of doing something wrong. They are - after all - good with computers.

Lost a staff member to a better-paying job. This is a key position but I remind myself if they're good they should not necessarily stick around.

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Fediverse tip: do not cross post to or from Twitter. I promise you that no one gives a single shit about you or your Twitter account

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!