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One thing I miss about Twitter is where are all the hot girls that want to meet me, faving my toots

Jim boosted

The inside of a cheese grater looks like the backdrop to most music videos around 2000

I am convinced this happens because they're scared they'll be told they're full of shit, and the overbearing excuse is that engineers don't have the people skills to really speak to management.

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The worst trait of middle management I have seen in both the UK and US is attempts to solve engineering problems with endless meetings that have no engineering staff.

Jim boosted

#mastoadmin Call for help! If you've run into this error after updating to Mastodon 4.1.3, how have you solved it?

(PLEASE do not reply with speculation, googled results, etc. I ONLY want to hear from people who have solved THIS SPECIFIC PROBLEM. I have tried many things, and I am looking for a solution, not for suggestions.)

Although all these teenagers that are *never* in school is still really funny.

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Rewatching Twin Peaks for the first time in 30 years (although I watched and loved the Return) the Bob stuff is still really fucking chilling.

Came back from taking the boy to look at trains and there was a brief storm. The smell of hot, wet asphalt is overpowering.

Jim boosted

Hot take: Twitter was *never* "good." It was fun, but not good.

The Merriam Webster app, which I paid for back in the day, is now trying to get me to opt in to a subscription. I despise the modern software market.

The notification glut has now got so bad that when I get an SMS now, I can't see it because there are two pages of crap spamming the notification area.

I am in an absolutely foul mood and i can't put my finger on why. Everyone is irritating me.

A first for me this morning. I could not get to my parking due to road closures. the DPW has been slowly strangling the access road for the last month, this morning finally everything was closed. Several hundred of us use this lot. No notices about it anywhere.

We have a Redhat license at work but I never used any of the support (we don't run anything complex or any parts of their stack) and I used CentOS for a lot of installs. I am steadily rolling out Debian now. I liked Ubuntu Server but Canonical plays a lot of the same pay-to-play games as Rhel so fuck that.

The last couple of days have been characterised by high humidity, boiling over into intense thunderstorms. I remember one August like this, back in 2016. I don't miss it. It's diabolical outside.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!