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Crazy thunderstorm here. Intense light show. Easily the most intense this year.

I got an XPS 13 from Dell back in 2017 to play around with, I liked that thing but the battery died off so I put it in the recycling pile. Someone else surrendered a 15" model with the regular 1080 display and a miraculously healthy batter and I'm throwing Slackware on there for some fun.

Jim boosted
Jim boosted

"I thought it would be fun to document how I make my OpenBSD 7.3 system look and feel as close as I can to my current Ubuntu 23.10 (daily) system."

Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery - Functionally Paranoid


Jim boosted
Jim boosted

This is him a few years ago sitting on his favorite perch and watching them go by.

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I like to take my eldest out to look at the trains at a nearby yard, it's a nice drive, but every once in a while I'll experience the local thing of someone sitting on my bumper because the speed limit isn't enough for them. Slow down a bit, there's lots to look at.

Jim boosted

One of the interesting symptoms of the decay of Twitter is how utterly useless and broken the trends have become.

Jim boosted

She asked us if maybe we knew tools that could help with collaboration on presentation documents for low-bandwidth situations. And while of course we know a lot that could help, to add insult to injury, a handful of her students use chromebooks, which sets a hard limit the tools the class uses, the limit being google slides.

The accessibility push of google to put chromebooks into student's hands, seems to have the effect of shifting the cost from buying the terminal, to paying the ISP.

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Jim boosted

"We have liquidated all employees that were not having fun"

I enjoyed Dirk Verbeuren's (Megadeth's current drummer) blind play through of Mr. Brightside

Out on the dog's AM walk and the humidity is oppressive. He's 1/3rd husky and really doesn't like it. Stopped to look at me and folded his ears back so I turned around and brought him home.

Of particular interest is the part about acrylic windows and the fact that Rush - an engineer - ignored everything he had been taught.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!