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Today in 1914, 109 years ago: In the culmination of the July Crisis, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, igniting World War I.


I took a run out to the store and saw a work truck that had hit a telegraph poie at the end of our road. The truck was absolutely wrecked. Hope the driver was okay. No ambulance, just a cruiser so I expect they weren't hurt. . The pole was somehow still standing.

The last time this happened the pole did not make it and our power was out for five hours.

Really enjoy Ahmed's videos about his mechanic adventures; this one is all about what goes into used car certification - it's surprisingly rigorous.

Went to cumberland just inside the MD border. The eldest wanted to see it - it is a railroad town - I would very much like to come back when it isn't so diabolically hot.

Such an utterly unforgiving and hard world is not many other fields where your replacement dangles over you like Damocles

Jim boosted

Today in 1915, 108 years ago: in the First World War, Captain Lanoe Hawker, of the RFC becomes the first British military aviator to obtain the Victory Cross, by shooting down three Luftstreitkräfte (German two-seater observation planes) in a single day, on the western front.


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Today in 1609, 414 years ago: The English ship Sea Venture, en route to Virginia, is deliberately driven ashore during a storm at Bermuda to prevent its sinking; the survivors go on to found a new colony there.


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Today in 1547, 476 years ago: Henry II of France is crowned.


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Today in 1712, 311 years ago: War of the Spanish Succession: The French under Marshal Villars win a decisive victory over Eugene of Savoy at Denain.


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These two ex-Lyft employees want to replace credit unions with ion thrusters

Jim boosted

Also discovered my blind spot warning system triggers when turning left in a 2-lane intersection (because the turn signal is on and a car is in the adjacent lane In the detection zone) It's logical behavior, but a bit alarming before you understand it.

There's 1.5 miles of road through a park I have to take due to road closures on the way to work. Right in the city. Here's a weird thing: Nobody speeds. They speed everywhere else, but not this little oasis. I like to think because it looks so tranquil everyone just slows down to enjoy it.

This page is running a banner ad over their cookie dialogue. Modern web is such a shitshow.

Found a very sick bee on entry paving. It enjoyed a little sugar water (was thirsty) but sadly did not survive. The kids were very upset, they were really rooting for him.

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Today in 1987, 36 years ago: American hard rock band Guns N' Roses released the album Appetite for Destruction.


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