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I'm watching a news story about bus shortages in North Allegheny. But there's a twist, this is the district buses being used for private school kids, because that's how it works here.

Take your own fucking kids to private school. Taxpayer subsidizing your brat's transport and you have the nerve to complain. Fuck off.

Jim boosted

“Tech experts are starting to doubt that ChatGPT and A.I. ‘hallucinations’ will ever go away: ‘This isn’t fixable’”

More accurately, AI researchers have always said that this isn’t fixable but y’all were too obsessed with listening to con artists to pay attention but now the con is wearing thin.

Someone's put the absolutely brilliant soundtrack to Mike Leigh's 'Naked' on the 'tubes.

Jim boosted

Today in 1933, 90 years ago: The Crescent Limited train derails in Washington, D.C., after the bridge it is crossing is washed out by the 1933 Chesapeake–Potomac hurricane.


Jim boosted

Today in 1967, 56 years ago: 228 m underground, in the Nevada atomic test area, at 5:30 am (local time), the United States detonates its 0.8 kt Lexington atomic bomb. It is the 517th of 1129 bombs that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.


All our host IPv4 addresses got changed in my absence. I was not told of the details in advance. All the firewall rules need to be updated. The changes have no propagated to DNS. Shit is fucked.

Jim boosted

I come back from 10 days leave and all my wireless peripherals are dead. I have one charging cable. I'm very tempted to just go home.

I see the NYT is persistently running anti-China stories on the front page for the last week. They're very obviously being briefed.

Jim boosted

Today in 1780, 243 years ago: James Cook's ship HMS Resolution returns to England (Cook having been killed on Hawaii during the voyage).


I've been back in the US almost a week already. Tonight at 2030 EST marks 7 days since the hire car crept out of my dad's village for the 100km run to the airport. I hate how quickly the time melts away and it's suddenly a distant memory.

@HebrideanHecate This is so wrong. A woman I used to train with told me an average male athlete on bad form could beat her pretty easily in a crit, such are the physiological advantages. I could not believe it - she is the fittest person I know - but she said the numbers don't lie.

Took the dog out at sunnset for his walk. The air was slightly damp, the temperature perfect. The Cicadas were singing, people were out on their porches. I could not help but feel melancholy that in a few weeks I'll need a fleece, then a heavy coat and scarf.

Hope fedi friends in Socal and Mexico are doing okay. The floods look bad.

Thinking about how difficult it is to get help from practically any business now; it's all anti-worker practices. They don't want to hire anyone to help, so they use chatbots and outsource their actual meat workers to exploit the cheapest labour that can barely do the job.

The start of a 20hr journey home back on Wednesday. It was still very dark at 0630am in Malaga. This TAP Embraer 195 would take us to Lisbon, where we would catch a 787-10 to Newark, then finally an Embraer 170 to Pittsburgh.

The last of the V8 interceptors finally ran out of guzzoline and was claimed by the rodent overlord

It turns out that the thing I didn't need in a jetlagged state is a party at Chuck E Cheese.

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